Sunday, July 19, 2009


I spent the day with my family. My parents, acting like it's my first day of college decided to take me shopping at REI as their going away present. Me, being the cheapest person about paying for necessities, and usually spending my money on coffee, restaurants, gas, beer and parking tickets, found this a rather painful experience. However, people always want to know: How can you afford to travel? Alright, it isn't expensive, but it does cost money (and since I put off committing to a job until I knew what my travel plans were going to be, I did accept outside parental support funds). Here's a breakdown to the point of departure:

Airline Ticket (Denver- London- Tel Aviv- London): $1085,
Conference Cost: $1050
Passport (x2, expedited processing and shipping): $315
Backpack: $239
Hiking Shoes (Sample): $30
Travel Guides: $109
Rain Jacket: $99
Light T-Shirt (Used): $8
1.5 lb Sleeping Bag (Used): $48
2.5 lb Tent: $200
Desert- Style Long- Sleeve Shirt: $49
1.1 lb Sleeping Mat: $45
Nylon Capri Pants (Used): $32
Nylon Zip- Off Pants (Used): $22
Climbing Shoes (Used): $30
Socks: $5.49

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