Looking over this blog, I can see that it is more of a diary than anything else. A place for me to record me. Many people will say that your blog should have a theme, and perhaps they are correct, but I am a person, full of seemingly random ideas and experiences, and the only theme, within all those dots, is that when you connect them you get me. A unique woman who is transforming from a girl right before your eyes.
I am so grateful to be me, to write how and what I write, with no person to say yay or nay. It seems everything is open to improvement, but i feel okay with this space here, just to write how I see fit, no edits or changes afoot.
The dog bit my finger right before she died. It hurt unbelievably badly, as she got me in quite a tender and sensitive spot, plunging her molar right into my soft nailbed of my pointer finger. The beautiful thing is that I am typing nearly as quickly even without the use of that finger. My middle finger is taking over for the index, and it seems almost miraculous. Also, the finger no longer hurts.
I am using Makuna Honey, an elixer I bought for $20 at Vitamin Cottage instead of the amoxicillin my doctor prescribed. The wound is showing daily improvements, no sign of infection and ever diminishing pain. It is a wonder to be able to treat yourself, and watch your body heal.
I am a woman who seems to be eternally surprising myself these days. Every accomplishment feels like a baby taking its first steps, just totally unique and as moments to be recorded in the annals of a family history. I feel like I am taking breaths for the first time, as though I have been underwater for months and truly enjoy the experience of every inhalation. It feels fresh, and I can feel my body move with it's ins and outs. Somehow the exhale doesn't feel as refreshing, as though I long only to inhale. Such a strange sensation, to only want part of your breathing.
I am tired now. Perhaps a bit panicked by these small successes. I must take them in stride, yet I want to remember them.
Today I was 134 lbs. A full 13 pounds lighter than I was three months ago. It feels great. Truly, I feel I have miraculously shed some spiritual burdens that had been weighing on me for years.
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